


スポーツテック企業の株式会社ユーフォリア(本社:東京都千代田区、代表取締役:橋口 寛/宮田 誠、以下 ユーフォリア)は、企業の人的資本経営における取り組みの支援における協業を目的として、株式会社三井住友銀行(本店:東京都千代田区、頭取CEO:福留 朗裕、以下 三井住友銀行)と業務提携契約(以下 本提携)を締結したことをお知らせいたします。







Tenstorrent closes $693M+ of Series D funding led by Samsung Securities and AFW Partners

Santa Clara, CA: Tenstorrent is announcing that it has closed over $693M in its Series D funding round at a pre-money valuation of $2B.

Samsung Securities and AFW Partners led the round, which was oversubscribed due to strong demand from investors. Samsung and AFW both have deep relationships with Tenstorrent, and a strong history of investing in pioneering technology companies.

In addition to the leads, many notable investors joined the round including XTX Markets, Corner Capital, Protagonist, MESH, Export Development Canada, Healthcare of Ontario Pension Plan, LG Technology Ventures, Hyundai Motor Group,Fidelity Management & Research Company, Innovation Engine, Baillie Gifford, Bezos Expeditions, and more.

“We are excited by the breadth of investors that believe in our vision,” said Keith Witek, Chief Operating Officer of Tenstorrent. “If you look at this group, you see a balance of financial investors and strategic investors, as well as some notable individuals that have conviction in our plans for AI. They respect our team, our technology, and our vision. They see the ~$150M in deals closed as a strong signal of commercial traction and opportunity in the market.”

Tenstorrent builds and sells computers for artificial intelligence that are built using its Tensix cores. In addition to selling hardware, the open-source software stacks really set Tenstorrent apart from other players in the market. Tenstorrent licenses AI and RISC-V intellectual property to customers that want to own and customize their silicon.

Tenstorrent will use the Series D funding to build out open-source AI software stacks, hire developers, expand its global development and design centers, and build systems and clouds for AI developers.

“Our investors are great,” said Jim Keller, CEO of Tenstorrent. “During the fundraising process I was impressed by how interested our investors were in our open-source approach to software. They realize that the way to win is to get developers on board by giving them all the tools they need to own their own technology. “

“AFW Partners is dedicated to investing in innovative and disruptive technologies that we believe will change the world, with a specific focus on mobility innovation,” said Bonil Koo, Managing Director at AFW Partners, who leads the Series D round with Samsung Securities. “Tenstorrent’s momentum in the market, its innovative roadmaps filled with cutting edge technology, and open-source software are an unbeatable combination. We are thrilled to participate in their journey and success.”

“We find Tenstorrent’s open-source driven approach refreshing, especially in the proprietary and often secretive world of AI accelerators,” said Joshua Leahy, Chief Technology Officer, XTX Markets. “We’re excited to support them as they bring their ambitious roadmap to market.”

About Tenstorrent

Tenstorrent is a next-generation computing company that builds computers for AI. Tenstorrent is headquartered in North America and has locations in Toronto, Austin, and Silicon Valley, and global offices in Belgrade, Tokyo, Bangalore, Singapore, and Seoul. Tenstorrent brings together experts in the fields of AI software, computer architecture, silicon design, and advanced systems. Tenstorrent is backed by Eclipse Ventures and Real Ventures, among others. Learn more @ tenstorrent.com.

About Samsung Securities

Samsung Securities is Korea's leading securities firm offering customer-focused, solutions-oriented retail brokerage and wealth management services for individual investors. We also offer institutional brokerage, investment advisory, investment banking and capital markets services for public and private enterprises.

About AFW Venture Partners

AFW Venture Partners is a venture capital firm aiming to make the future a better place for children. To achieve this goal, they channel their investment in technologies that benefit humankind. Their primary area of focus is Mobility Innovation which, in their definition, covers various facets of technology advancement such as electric and hydrogen engines, robotics, aerospace and their enablers such as semiconductors, hardware components and system software.

Barclays acted as sole placement agent to Tenstorrent for the December 2024 Series D funding round.





Veritas In Silico

Veritas In Silico、武田薬品とmRNAを標的とした低分子医薬品の共同創薬研究・ライセンス契約を締結

株式会社Veritas In Silico(本社:東京都品川区、代表取締役社長:中村慎吾、以下「VIS」)は、このたび、複数の遺伝性疾患に対して、mRNAを標的とした革新的な低分子医薬品の研究開発を目的とした共同創薬研究・ライセンス契約を武田薬品工業株式会社(本社:大阪府大阪市、代表取締役社長兼CEO:クリストフ・ウェバー、以下「武田薬品」)と締結しました。



株式会社Veritas In Silicoについて



アロセンス株式会社、内閣府が主導する 経済安全保障重要技術育成プログラムに採択

エアロセンス株式会社(所在地:東京都北区、代表取締役社長:佐部浩太郎、以下、エアロセンス)はこの度、国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構(JST)が推進する内閣府と文部科学省が定めた研究開発構想による経済安全保障重要技術育成プログラム(K Program)、令和4年度第1回の研究開発構想(プロジェクト型)「災害・緊急時等に活用可能な小型無人機を含めた運航安全管理技術」の「小型無人機技術」の公募(1課題あたり最大5億円程度)において、当社が提案した次世代の垂直離着陸型固定翼(VTOL)ドローンの研究開発課題が採択されました。この結果にともない、エアロセンスは現行機よりも大型のVTOLドローンを開発いたします







「100 年に一度のモビリティ革命」実現のために、『空飛ぶクルマ』と『物流ドローン』の開発を強化

「空飛ぶクルマ」(※1)および「物流ドローン」を開発する株式会社SkyDrive(本社:愛知県豊田市、代表取締役CEO 福澤知浩、以下「当社」)は、スカイ・イノベーション投資事業有限責任組合等からの第三者割当増資により、2022年9月に続くシリーズCの追加調達を実施したことをお知らせいたします。



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